On Monday, a jacket cost $36.95 and a shirt cost $21.42. On Friday the jacket was discounted by 20%, and the shirt was discounted by 1/3. What is the total price of the jacket and shirt on Friday, before sales tax?





To find the total price of the jacket and shirt on Friday, we need to calculate the prices after the discounts and then add them together.

First, let's calculate the discounted price of the jacket. The jacket was discounted by 20%, so we can find the discounted price by subtracting 20% of $36.95 from $36.95.

20% of $36.95 = 0.2 * $36.95 = $7.39

Discounted price of the jacket = $36.95 - $7.39 = $29.56

Next, let's calculate the discounted price of the shirt. The shirt was discounted by 1/3, which means it's discounted by 1/3 * $21.42.

Discounted price of the shirt = $21.42 - (1/3 * $21.42) = $21.42 - $7.14 = $14.28

Now, we can find the total price of the jacket and shirt on Friday by adding their discounted prices.

Total price = $29.56 + $14.28 = $43.84

Therefore, the total price of the jacket and shirt on Friday, before sales tax, is $43.84.

The correct answer is C. $43.84.

.8*36.95 + .667*21.42

36.95 x 80% = 29.56 21.42 x ⅔ = 14.28 14.28 + 29.56 = $43.84