the author compares the cookie to a flying saucer most likely to?

A. emphasize the large size of the cookie••
B. Indicate the color of the cookie
C. Illustrate the cookie rotation through the air
D. Add a set effect

Plz correct me!!

The answr is c

Which author? Which work?

it is c

Based on the given options, the author most likely compares the cookie to a flying saucer in order to emphasize the large size of the cookie.

To arrive at this answer, it's important to closely analyze the given options and the context of the comparison. In this case, options B, C, and D do not seem to be directly related to the comparison. Option A, on the other hand, is the most logical choice as it suggests that the author is using the comparison to highlight the large size of the cookie by likening it to a flying saucer.

To improve your understanding and accuracy in answering similar questions, it's essential to closely read the text and pay attention to the author's intentions, descriptions, and the overall context.