Person A has 6.24 and Person B has two cents more than twice Person A. How much money will they have if they combined their money?

I had this confusing word problem yesterday on a Teacher Certification Exam for PreK-3 grade. Please help clarify how to set this problem up to solve. Thanks!

(2 * 6.24) + 0.02 =

B = .02 + 2 (6.24)

= .02 + 12.48
= 12.50

12.50 + 6.24 = $ 18.74

But beware. I am not certified to teach anything bur sailing!

To solve this problem, you will need to carefully read the information provided and set up equations to represent the given conditions.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Identify the given information:

- Person A has 6.24.
- Person B has two cents more than twice Person A.

2. Define the variables:

- Let's assign the variable "A" to represent the amount of money Person A has.
- We will use the variable "B" to represent the amount of money Person B has.

3. Set up the equations based on the given information:

- Based on the first statement, we have:
A = 6.24

- According to the second statement, Person B has two cents more than twice Person A. This can be expressed as:
B = 2(6.24) + 0.02

Since Person A has 6.24, we multiply it by 2 to get twice that amount. Adding 0.02 accounts for Person B having two cents more.

B = 12.48 + 0.02
B = 12.50

4. Calculate the combined money:

To find the total amount of money when they combine their funds, add Person A's money to Person B's money:

Total = A + B
Total = 6.24 + 12.50
Total = 18.74

Therefore, if Person A has 6.24 and Person B has two cents more than twice Person A, when they combine their money, they will have 18.74.