selena calculated the percentage change in the price of a microwave as -87%please explain what it means

Explain it

If there are no typos, the price was reduced by 87%.

When Selena calculated the percentage change in the price of a microwave as -87%, it means that the price of the microwave has decreased by 87%.

To understand how Selena arrived at this percentage change, we need to know the initial price and the final price of the microwave. Let's assume the initial price was P0 and the final price is P1.

To calculate the percentage change, we use the formula:

Percentage Change = ((P1 - P0) / P0) * 100

In this case, since the percentage change is -87%, we can rewrite the formula as:

-87% = ((P1 - P0) / P0) * 100

To find the final price, we rearrange the formula:

(P1 - P0) / P0 = -87% / 100

Now, substitute the value of -87% as -0.87 into the equation:

(P1 - P0) / P0 = -0.87

To simplify further, multiply both sides of the equation by P0:

P1 - P0 = -0.87 * P0

Now, we can isolate the final price, P1:

P1 = P0 - 0.87 * P0

P1 = (1 - 0.87) * P0

P1 = 0.13 * P0

So, the final price, P1, is 0.13 times the initial price, P0. This indicates that the price of the microwave has decreased by 87%.