I need help

Application: Create a GeneratedNumber application that stores in an array with indexes 1 through 100 numbers generated by the index values when Generate is clicked. Generate the number to be stored at each index by summing the index and it's individual digits. For example, 25 should be stored at index 17 because 17+ 1+ 7 = 17 and 4 should be stored at index 2 because 2+ 0 + 2.
Your program should use a FillArray() procedure to generate the nuymbers and DisplayArray() procedure that displays each index and its element in the list box.


agusan national high school

To create the GeneratedNumber application, you'll need to follow these steps:

1. Set up the user interface: Start by designing a simple user interface that includes a button labeled "Generate" and a list box to display the index and its corresponding generated number.

2. Define the array: Create an array with indexes 1 through 100 to store the generated numbers. In most programming languages, arrays start with an index of 0, so you will need to adjust the array indexes accordingly.

3. Implement the FillArray() procedure: This procedure will be called when the "Generate" button is clicked. It will generate and store the numbers according to the specified rule, which is to sum the index and its individual digits. Iterate through the array indexes and calculate the sum for each index, storing the result in the corresponding array element.

Example implementation (pseudo-code):
procedure FillArray()
for index from 1 to 100
sum <- index
num <- index
while num > 0
sum <- sum + num % 10
num <- num / 10
array[index] <- sum

4. Implement the DisplayArray() procedure: This procedure will display each index and its corresponding element in the list box. Iterate through the array and add each index and element as a string to the list box.

Example implementation (pseudo-code):
procedure DisplayArray()
for index from 1 to 100
listbox.add("Index: " + index + ", Element: " + array[index])

5. Connect the procedure to the button click event: Link the FillArray() procedure to the "Generate" button's click event handler. This way, the array will be filled with numbers when the button is clicked.

6. Run the program: After implementing all the necessary components, run the program and click the "Generate" button to generate the numbers and display them in the list box.

Keep in mind that the implementation details may vary depending on the programming language or framework you are using.