which of the following expression is true?

i think is the c but please check for me.

Were you just guessing ?

Had you checked you would have been able to answer the question.

How did you decide it was c ?

Moreover it is not c :)

To determine which of the expressions is true, let's simplify each expression and compare them:

Expression A: 2^4 * 2^3 = 2^12
Simplifying the left side, we have 2^4 = 16 and 2^3 = 8, so the left side becomes 16 * 8 = 128. However, 2^12 equals 4,096, which is not equal to 128. Therefore, Expression A is false.

Expression B: 3^3 * 3^6 > 3^8
On the left side, 3^3 equals 27 and 3^6 equals 729, so the left side becomes 27 * 729 = 19,683. On the right side, 3^8 equals 6,561. Since 19,683 is greater than 6,561, Expression B is true.

Expression C: 4^2 * 4^2 > 4^4
Simplifying both sides, we have 4^2 = 16 and 4^4 = 256. The left side becomes 16 * 16 = 256, which is equal to the right side. Therefore, Expression C is true.

Expression D: 5^5 * 5^2 = 5^10
On the left side, 5^5 equals 3,125 and 5^2 equals 25, so the left side becomes 3,125 * 25 = 78,125. On the right side, 5^10 equals 9,765,625, which is not equal to 78,125. Therefore, Expression D is false.

So the correct answer is actually Expression B, not C.