13 The colonists designed a school calendar so that children would attend school nine months a year, leaving the summer months off. Which answer best explains why?

A. School buildings were too hot in the summer.

B. Children needed to help on farms in the summer.

C. Communities could not afford to pay teachers all year round.

D. Families traveled to hunt in the summer.


No, not at all! What did most colonists do for a living?

Its is B because during the summer months the boys had to help on the farms and help with trading and the girls had to help their mothers with cleaning and house work

Yes, A is the correct answer. The colonists designed a school calendar so that children would attend school nine months a year and leave the summer months off because school buildings were too hot in the summer.

To determine the best answer, let's analyze each option:

A. School buildings were too hot in the summer.
This option suggests that the reason for leaving the summer months off was because school buildings were too hot. However, this answer does not fully explain why children were not attending school during this time.

B. Children needed to help on farms in the summer.
This option suggests that children needed to work on farms during the summer, which could explain why they were not attending school. In colonial times, farming was crucial for survival, and children often had responsibilities on the family farm.

C. Communities could not afford to pay teachers all year round.
This option suggests that communities could not afford to pay teachers for a full year, therefore leading to a school calendar that allowed for a break during the summer. This reason is also plausible, as resources were limited and education may not have been a top priority during the summer months.

D. Families traveled to hunt in the summer.
This option suggests that families traveled for hunting during the summer, leading to children not attending school. While hunting may have been important for sustenance, it may not have been the primary reason for the school calendar design.

Based on the analysis, option B, "Children needed to help on farms in the summer," seems to be the best answer. Farming was crucial in colonial times, and children's assistance was necessary during the summer months.