how can I solve: 6³ + 6 ÷ 2¹ - 4²

I got the answer wrong on the test and the teacher told me the answer was 203 but I want to know how to do it. I was to embarrassed to ask because all the other students knew how to do it

follow the order of operation, which you should memorize (BEDMAS)

6³ + 6 ÷ 2¹ - 4²
= 216 + (6 ÷ 2) - 16
= 216 + 3 - 16
= 203

To solve the expression 6³ + 6 ÷ 2¹ - 4², we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division from left to right, and Addition and Subtraction from left to right).

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Simplify the exponents.
6³ means 6 raised to the power of 3, which is equal to 6 * 6 * 6 = 216.
2¹ means 2 raised to the power of 1, which is equal to 2.

Now the expression becomes: 216 + 6 ÷ 2 - 4²

Step 2: Perform the multiplication and division (from left to right).
Divide 6 by 2: 6 ÷ 2 = 3.

Now the expression becomes: 216 + 3 - 4²

Step 3: Simplify the exponent.
4² means 4 raised to the power of 2, which is equal to 4 * 4 = 16.

Now the expression becomes: 216 + 3 - 16

Step 4: Perform the addition and subtraction (from left to right).
Add 216 and 3: 216 + 3 = 219.
Subtract 16 from 219: 219 - 16 = 203.

Therefore, the final answer to the expression 6³ + 6 ÷ 2¹ - 4² is 203, which matches the answer your teacher provided.

Remember, it's important to follow the order of operations to get the correct answer.