pasha is thinking of a number such that when twice the number i added to three times one more than the number she gets the same result as when she multiplies four times one less than the number. what number is pasha is thinking about

2n + 3(n+1) = 4(n-1)

5n+3 = 4n-4
n = -7

-14 + 3(-6) = 4(-8) = -32

Garland put 2b + 3 dollars in

the bank in the first week. The
following week he doubled the first
week’s savings and put that amount in
the bank. The next week he doubled
what was in the bank and put that
amount in the bank. If he now has $477
in the bank, how much did he put in
the bank the first week?

Sara was thinking of a number. Sara divides by 2, then adds 10 to get an answer of 6. What was the original number?

Thirteen more than four times a number is -91

To solve this problem, we can set up an equation based on the given information. Let's break down the problem step by step:

Step 1: Understand the problem.
Pasha is thinking of a number.
Twice the number added to three times one more than the number gives the same result as when four times one less than the number is multiplied.
We need to find the number Pasha is thinking about.

Step 2: Assign a variable.
Let's assign the variable "x" to represent the number Pasha is thinking about.

Step 3: Translate the problem into an equation.
According to the problem statement,
"Twice the number added to three times one more than the number gives the same result as when four times one less than the number is multiplied."
Translated into an equation, this becomes:

2x + 3(x + 1) = 4(x - 1)

Step 4: Solve the equation.
Let's solve the equation to find the value of "x".

2x + 3(x + 1) = 4(x - 1)
2x + 3x + 3 = 4x - 4
5x + 3 = 4x - 4
5x - 4x = -4 - 3
x = -7

Step 5: Interpret the solution.
The number Pasha is thinking about is -7.