Based on the text preview as well as research about the background of the novel in and the authors life, a reader can predict the novel will mostly be about

A. A young boy who marches in Washington as part of the civil right movement

B. Family who is persecuted by oppoents of the civil right movement••

C. Group of persons who decide to take a trip south to join the civil rights movement

D. A group of siblings who learn about The effect of the civil right movement on their family.

Since we have no idea what novel is under consideration, and have not seen the text preview, and do not know the author, there is no way we can answer this question for you. And we would not anyway. It's your question to answer.

the novel is setting background for Westons


To predict what the novel will mostly be about, you can use the given information in the text preview and conduct research on the background of the novel and the author's life. This will provide you with additional context for forming your prediction. Start by examining the text preview to identify any clues or themes that suggest the focus of the novel. Look for keywords that stand out, such as "civil rights movement" or specific events or characters mentioned.

Next, research the background of the novel. Find information about the author and the time period in which the novel is set. Look for any connections between the author's experiences or motivations and the themes of the civil rights movement. This can be done by reading interviews, biographies, or critical analyses of the author's work.

Combine the information from the text preview and your research to draw an inference about the novel's central topic. Consider all possible options and choose the most logical and plausible one. Remember that your prediction may not be 100% accurate, but it should be backed up by evidence and reasoned analysis.

In this specific case, based on the given options and the information provided, option D seems to be the most likely choice. It mentions a group of siblings who learn about the effect of the civil rights movement on their family. This aligns with the themes of family and the impact of the civil rights movement, as implied by the text preview. However, it's important to note that your prediction might differ based on your personal interpretation of the available information.