What happens to the density of the air in the balloon as it is heated?

Also, based on this question.... What would be the Independent variable, Depended Variable, controlled Variable...

When a balloon is heated, the air inside it expands, which leads to an increase in its volume. As a result, the density of the air inside the balloon decreases.

Now, let's analyze the variables in this experiment:

1. Independent variable: The independent variable is the factor that is intentionally manipulated or changed in the experiment. In this case, the independent variable would be the temperature of the balloon. Different temperatures can be applied to the balloon, ranging from room temperature to higher temperatures.

2. Dependent variable: The dependent variable is the factor that is measured or observed in response to changes in the independent variable. In this scenario, the dependent variable would be the density of the air inside the balloon. It is the variable that will change as the temperature of the balloon changes.

3. Controlled variables: The controlled variables are the factors that are kept constant throughout the experiment to ensure that they do not influence the dependent variable. In this case, some controlled variables could include the initial volume of air inside the balloon, the atmospheric pressure, and the composition of the air.

By controlling the temperature and measuring the density of the air in the balloon, we can understand the relationship between the two variables and determine how heating affects the density.