Jack needs a new dishwasher. The electronics store has one for 35% off the original price which is a discount of $100.00. The appliance store is offering a dishwasher for $374.00. Which is the better buy?

if 100 is 35% of the price, then the original price is

100/.35 = $285.71

so, ...

To determine which dishwasher is the better buy, we need to compare the discounted price of the dishwasher at the electronics store with the price at the appliance store.

First, let's calculate the original price of the dishwasher at the electronics store. We know that the discount is 35% off, which is equal to $100.00. To find the original price, we divide the discount by the discount percentage:

Original price = Discounted price / (1 - Discount percentage)
Original price = $100.00 / (1 - 0.35)
Original price = $100.00 / 0.65
Original price ≈ $153.85

Now that we have the original price, we can compare it with the price at the appliance store.

The dishwasher at the electronics store has an original price of approximately $153.85.
The dishwasher at the appliance store is priced at $374.00.

To find the better buy, we compare the prices. A lower price indicates a better buy.

In this case, the dishwasher at the electronics store is priced significantly lower than the dishwasher at the appliance store. Therefore, the better buy is the dishwasher at the electronics store, as it offers a larger discount and a lower price.