Kevin, Kyle, and Joe are brothers joe is 4 years younger than kyle and kyle is twice joe's age the sum if their age is 56, how old is each brother

If their ages are x,y,z then we have

z = y-4
y = 2z
Clearly, Joe is 4 and Kyle is 8
so, ...

To determine the ages of Kevin, Kyle, and Joe, we need to break down the information given and solve for each brother's age.

Let's assign variables for each brother's age:
- Let's say Kevin's age is K.
- Kyle's age will be denoted as X.
- Joe's age will be denoted as J.

According to the given information, we know that Joe is 4 years younger than Kyle, so we can write the equation:
J = X - 4 (Equation 1)

Additionally, we're told that Kyle is twice Joe's age, so we can write the equation:
X = 2J (Equation 2)

Lastly, the sum of their ages is 56:
K + X + J = 56 (Equation 3)

Now that we have three equations, we can solve them simultaneously to find the values for K, X, and J.

We can start by substituting Equation 2 into Equations 1 and 3:
J = 2J - 4 (substituting X = 2J into Equation 1) -> 4 = J (Equation 4)

Substituting J = 4 back into Equation 2, we get:
X = 2 * 4 -> X = 8

Using the obtained values for J and X, we can substitute them into Equation 3:
K + 8 + 4 = 56
K + 12 = 56
K = 56 - 12
K = 44

Therefore, the ages of the brothers are:
Kevin (K) = 44 years old
Kyle (X) = 8 years old
Joe (J) = 4 years old