What is the range 36 75 63 49 83 46 54 79?

The range is the difference between the largest and smallest numbers.


what is the rang of this data? 36,75,63,49,83,46,54,79

To find the range of a set of numbers, you need to subtract the lowest number from the highest number in the set.

In this case, the lowest number is 36 and the highest number is 83.

Range = Highest number - Lowest number

Range = 83 - 36

Range = 47

So, the range of the numbers 36, 75, 63, 49, 83, 46, 54, 79 is 47.

To find the range of a set of numbers, you need to subtract the smallest number from the largest number in the set.

In this case, the set of numbers is: 36, 75, 63, 49, 83, 46, 54, 79.

To find the smallest number, you can compare each number in the set and keep track of the smallest one. In this case, the smallest number is 36.

To find the largest number, you can compare each number in the set and keep track of the largest one. In this case, the largest number is 83.

Now, you can calculate the range by subtracting the smallest number (36) from the largest number (83):

Range = Largest number - Smallest number
Range = 83 - 36
Range = 47

Therefore, the range of the given set of numbers 36, 75, 63, 49, 83, 46, 54, 79 is 47.