On a map the 1 inch represents 100 miles. If the pounds below were on that map how far apart in miles would they actually be?

What map?


To determine the distance between two points in miles on the map, you can use the given scale. In this case, the scale is 1 inch represents 100 miles. Let's say the two points on the map are represented by A and B.

To find the actual distance in miles between point A and point B on the map, you need to measure the distance between them in inches and then convert it to miles using the given scale.

For example, if the distance between A and B on the map is 2 inches, you would multiply this by the scale: 2 inches * 100 miles/inch = 200 miles.

So, if you have the measurements in inches for the pounds on the map, simply multiply the distance in inches by 100 to get the actual distance between them in miles.