an olympic athlete can run 110 years in 10 seconds. How fast in miles per hour can the athlete run?

if it is 10 seconds I suspect 110 yards :)

1760 yd/mi
3600 s/h

110 yd/10 s (1 mi/1760 yd)(3600s/h)

= 22.3 mi/h

What a phenomenal athlete! He runs 110 years?????

To calculate the speed of the Olympic athlete in miles per hour (mph), we need to convert the distance covered in 10 seconds (110 yards) to miles and the time taken to hours.

1. Convert yards to miles:
- 1 mile = 1760 yards
- Divide 110 yards by 1760 to convert to miles.
110 yards / 1760 = 0.0625 miles

2. Convert seconds to hours:
- 1 hour = 3600 seconds
- Divide 10 seconds by 3600 to convert to hours.
10 seconds / 3600 = 0.00278 hours

3. Calculate the speed in mph:
- Divide the distance in miles by the time in hours.
0.0625 miles / 0.00278 hours = 22.47 mph

Therefore, the Olympic athlete can run at a speed of approximately 22.47 mph.

To determine the speed of the Olympic athlete in miles per hour, we need to convert the distance from years to a more standard unit, such as meters or miles, and also convert the time from seconds to hours. Let's follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert years to meters or miles:
Since we don't know the actual distance the athlete runs in 110 years, let's assume they run the length of a track, which is typically 400 meters or 0.25 miles.

Step 2: Convert seconds to hours:
To convert seconds to hours, divide the given time value by 3,600, where 3,600 represents the number of seconds in an hour.

Step 3: Calculate speed in miles per hour:
Divide the distance covered (in miles) by the time taken (in hours).

Let's calculate the speed:

Distance: Assuming a track length of 400 meters (or 0.25 miles)
Time: 10 seconds ÷ 3,600 = 0.00277 hours

Speed: 0.25 miles ÷ 0.00277 hours ≈ 90.18 miles per hour

Therefore, the athlete can run at a speed of approximately 90.18 miles per hour.