All of the following are major factors contributing to the global water pollution problem except

a. the dumping of pesticides into coastal waters.
b. the dumping of sewage from industrial plants.
c. oil spills from tankers.
d. the release of waste products from fish.***

Yes. Nature accounts for the fish, not so much us.

The correct answer is option d. the release of waste products from fish.

To determine which option is the correct answer, we need to analyze each of the options and identify the major factors contributing to the global water pollution problem.

a. The dumping of pesticides into coastal waters is a major factor contributing to the global water pollution problem. Pesticides can enter water bodies through runoff from agricultural lands and can contaminate the water, harming aquatic life and ecosystems.

b. The dumping of sewage from industrial plants is also a significant factor contributing to water pollution. Industrial wastewater often contains various hazardous chemicals and pollutants that, when discharged into water bodies, can cause extensive pollution and harm aquatic life.

c. Oil spills from tankers are another major factor contributing to water pollution. When oil spills occur, they can have severe consequences for marine ecosystems, including killing marine life, contaminating water, and damaging coastal habitats.

d. The release of waste products from fish is the correct option in this case. Fish naturally release waste products into their aquatic environment. While fish waste does contribute to localized water pollution, it is not considered a significant factor in the global water pollution problem when compared to other factors such as industrial pollution or oil spills.

Therefore, option d, the release of waste products from fish, is the correct answer as it is not a major factor contributing to the global water pollution problem.