Write"six thousand five hundred fifty-eight"in Hindu-Arabic.

To convert "six thousand five hundred fifty-eight" into Hindu-Arabic numerals, you can break it down as follows:

- The number "six thousand" is written as "6,000" in Hindu-Arabic numerals. The symbol "6" represents the digit 6 in the thousands place, and the symbol "0" represents no value in the hundreds and tens place.
- The number "five hundred" is written as "500" in Hindu-Arabic numerals. The symbol "5" represents the digit 5 in the hundreds place, and the symbol "0" represents no value in the tens and ones place.
- The number "fifty-eight" is written as "58" in Hindu-Arabic numerals. The symbol "5" represents the digit 5 in the tens place, and the symbol "8" represents the digit 8 in the ones place.

Putting it all together, "six thousand five hundred fifty-eight" is written as "6,558" in Hindu-Arabic numerals.