12.What was a significant effect of Shays' Rebellion?

It forced the state government to stop taxing the farmers.

It showed people that the Articles of Confederation was effective.

It convinced people that a strong federal government was needed.

It persuaded the federal government to accept crops as payment for taxes.***

It convinced people that a strong federal government was needed.

I do not think so.

You better Google Shay's rebellion.
The middle two possible answers are a pretty good hint.


Thank you. xD

The correct answer is: It convinced people that a strong federal government was needed.

Shays' Rebellion was a significant event that occurred in Massachusetts in 1786-1787. It was a rebellion led by farmers and Revolutionary War veterans who were experiencing economic hardships and financial difficulties. They were protesting against high taxes, debt, and the seizure of their property by the state government.

The rebellion highlighted the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation, which was the governing document at the time. The Articles of Confederation established a weak central government and gave more power to the individual states. The federal government did not have the authority to raise an army to suppress the rebellion or provide financial assistance to the affected farmers.

The inability of the federal government to effectively address and control the rebellion created concern among many people. It demonstrated the weaknesses of the decentralized system and the need for a stronger central government with more authority and power to maintain order, protect individual rights, and provide economic stability.

Therefore, the significant effect of Shays' Rebellion was that it convinced many people that a stronger federal government was necessary. This ultimately contributed to the push for the Constitutional Convention in 1787 and the drafting of the United States Constitution, which created a more centralized and powerful federal government.