Note: Remember to show all of the steps that you use to solve the problem.

You have $59.95 in your wallet and want to buy some new CDs. If the CDs are $11.99 each, what number of CDs, x, can you buy? Write and solve an inequality. (2 points)

*Step 1: Determine if it is less than (or equal to) or greater than (or equal to).
**Remember, you cannot spend more than $59.95.

*Step 2: Create an equation using the cost of a CD and ‘x’.

* p.s. please help me solve with answer super
fast please i need help

15.99x <= 59.95

To solve this problem, we need to set up an inequality that represents the relationship between the cost of the CDs and the total amount of money you have.

Step 1: Determine the appropriate inequality sign based on the given information. Since you cannot spend more than $59.95, we use the less than or equal to symbol (≤).

Step 2: Create an equation using the cost of a CD and 'x', where 'x' represents the number of CDs you can buy. We know that each CD costs $11.99. Therefore, the total cost of 'x' CDs can be represented as 11.99x.

Putting it all together, the inequality is:
11.99x ≤ 59.95

To solve the inequality, we want to isolate 'x' on one side of the equation. To do that, we will divide both sides by 11.99:
11.99x / 11.99 ≤ 59.95 / 11.99

Simplifying the equation:
x ≤ 5

Therefore, you can buy a maximum of 5 CDs with $59.95.