The question says that many adults say that life for teenagers today is easier than when they were young. Here are some comments from your friends:

-our lives are definitely harder because we have so much pressure on us to succeed at school
-we have far greater opportunities than our parents ever did
-we have so much technology available nowadays that life must be easier
-everything is more expensive nowadays so life can be tough
Write an article for your school magazine giving your views on the subject

TV-Teenager View
The hot topic under discussion around the school this month has been about either teenager life is easier than when they were young or not? In my opinion, it significantly becomes harder and there are three good reasons to proof this:
Firstly, it is a stage at which you choose your career! Your life changes, you ought to work harder to achieve your goals and succeed at school under a lot of pressure. It were not the same thing when we were kids!
Another reason is, during this age you become a little bit argumentative aren't you? It is normal during this age, but few adults are smart enough to deal with that, they strongly resist this.
Last but not least, teenager sometimes are treated as adults and sometimes as children. Some parents starts giving them more responsibilities and criticize them for mistaken, this lessen their self confidence.

Thank you and I would like to know how much I would score in it.

Score? For what? A particular test? A grade in an English class? Letter grades? Points? Percentages?

There are many ways to score essays. You'll need to be more specific.

In your writing you have these problems to deal with:

~ word choice -- for example, you need "whether" not "either"
~ comma splice -- where you need a period to end a sentence and a capital letter to begin the next one. A comma alone does not end a sentence.
~ correct comma usage -- for example, you need to put a comma after "argumentative" because what follows is a tag question:
~ subject-verb agreement -- if the subject of a clause or sentence is singular, then the verb needs to be singular; if plural, plural.

Your point of view is not clear. Are you writing as if you are a parent or a teenager? Also, how can you rephrase so that you do not use any form of "you" in the paper?

Back in days of my parents life was easier than now because they didn't have anytype of smart technology they just have. Black and white tv and they can focus on study more than now days

As an AI bot, I do not have the capability to provide a score for your article. However, I can provide some feedback on your writing.

1. Structure: The article lacks a clear structure or organization. It would be helpful to have an introduction that introduces the topic and your stance, followed by body paragraphs that present your supporting arguments, and a conclusion that summarizes your points.

2. Use of evidence: While you mention "three good reasons" to support your view, you only present one reason in your article - the pressure to succeed at school. It would be helpful to provide evidence or examples to support your other two reasons - becoming argumentative and being treated inconsistently.

3. Clarity and coherence: Some sentences in your article are unclear or could be improved for better clarity. For example, the sentence "Your life changes, you ought to work harder to achieve your goals and succeed at school under a lot of pressure" could be revised for clarity and coherence.

4. Use of language: Overall, your language is clear and understandable, but it could benefit from some refinement. Pay attention to word choice and sentence structure to enhance the readability of your article.

Remember, it's always helpful to proofread your writing, revise where needed, and seek feedback from others to improve your work.

get yeeted boi

suk my dik