Taylor's home street address number has five digits. Two digits have values of 60,000 and 300.the last digit is 9.the value of each of the other digits is ten times the value of the digit on it's right. What's Taylor's home street address number.

Answer my question please

6 _ 3 _ 9

Can you take it from there?


Don't get it

Don't get it I'm in 4th grade

To determine Taylor's home street address number, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Start with the last digit
Given that the last digit is 9, we can add it to our final address number.

Address number: 9

Step 2: Move to the second-to-last digit
We know that the second-to-last digit is ten times the value of the digit on its right, which is 9. So, 10 * 9 = 90.

Address number: 90 + 9 = 99

Step 3: Move to the third-to-last digit
The third-to-last digit is ten times the value of the digit on its right, which is 9. So, 10 * 9 = 90.

Address number: 990 + 99 = 1089

Step 4: Move to the fourth-to-last digit
The fourth-to-last digit is ten times the value of the digit on its right, which is 9. So, 10 * 9 = 90.

Address number: 9900 + 1089 = 10989

Step 5: Move to the fifth-to-last digit
The fifth-to-last digit is 3. Therefore, we can add it to our address number.

Address number: 10989 + 30000 = 40989

Step 6: Move to the sixth-to-last digit
The sixth-to-last digit is 6. Therefore, we can add it to our address number.

Address number: 40989 + 60000 = 100989

Therefore, Taylor's home street address number is 100989.