which career available for my subject's?

which faculty can I follow at the university


When I was a student entering college I wanted to be a Naval Architect. However it was 1955 and physics was really, really exciting. Solid state physics and electronics was just happening and the space program was happening.... so I became a physicist. However I still wanted to design ships, so after working as a physicist for a few years I went back to graduate school to become a Naval Architect. So who knows?

To find out which careers are available for your subject, follow these steps:

1. Identify your subject: Determine the specific field or subjects you are interested in, such as math, science, literature, arts, computer science, etc.

2. Research careers: Look for career information related to your subject. You can use various resources such as career websites, government databases, professional organizations, and books.

3. Use career exploration tools: There are numerous career exploration tools available online that can help you discover careers related to your subject. These tools often provide information on job titles, job descriptions, required skills, education qualifications, salary ranges, and potential employers.

4. Speak to professionals: Reach out to professionals currently working in the field you are interested in. They can provide valuable insights about their career, education pathways, and potential opportunities.

5. Analyze job descriptions: Read job descriptions of positions that appeal to you. Analyze the required qualifications, skills, and educational backgrounds for those roles. This will give you a better understanding of which careers align with your interests and subject knowledge.

6. Seek guidance: Consult with career counselors or academic advisors who can provide guidance based on your subject and career interests. They might have additional resources and personalized recommendations for you.

Remember, this process requires continuous exploration and research, as new careers and job opportunities emerge regularly. Always keep an open mind and stay up to date with industry trends.