1) A linking verb can connect the subj./noun and the ___ describes it?


2) What type of verb shows what the noun/subj can do?

Is it Action verb?

Yes, a linking verb connects the subject with the predicate adjective.

Yes, the action verb shows what the subject can do or is doing.

you are the best Ms. Sue! I wanted to make sure they were correct and you helped me out immensely!

Good Night!!!!!!

Ps: Happy New Year

Thank you -- and you're welcome.

I hope you have a great year 2016 too!

1) Yes, you are correct! A linking verb connects the subject or noun to a word that describes or renames it. The word that describes or renames the subject or noun is known as a predicate adjective. To determine if a linking verb is connecting a subject or noun to a predicate adjective, you can ask the question "What is?" or "What are?" and see if the answer describes the subject or noun.

2) Yes, you are correct again! An action verb is the type of verb that shows what the noun or subject can do. An action verb is a word that expresses physical or mental action. It demonstrates the activity performed by the subject or noun. To identify an action verb, you can ask the question "What did the subject or noun do?" and the answer will typically be the action verb.