How do you add fraction with whole numbers? Please answer fast.

First add the whole numbers. Then add the fractions.

If you post one of your problems, I'll be glad to show you how to solve it.

Convert the whole number into a fraction with the same denomenator

Thank You. I have to write an essay about it. If you have any websites, please sent me some.

To add a fraction with a whole number, you need to first convert the whole number into a fraction with the same denominator. Here's a step-by-step explanation:

1. Write the whole number as a fraction by placing it over 1. For example, if the whole number is 4, you can write it as 4/1.
2. Find a common denominator for the fraction and the whole number. The common denominator is the same as the denominator of the fraction. For example, if you have a fraction 3/4, the common denominator is 4.
3. Multiply the whole number numerator (4) by the common denominator (4) to get 16 as the new numerator.
4. Write the fraction with the new numerator and the common denominator. So, the fraction 3/4 becomes 16/4.
5. Add the numerators of the two fractions. 16/4 + 3/4 = (16 + 3)/4 = 19/4.
6. Simplify the fraction if possible. In this example, 19/4 is already in its simplest form.

Therefore, the answer to adding the fraction 3/4 to the whole number 4 is 19/4.