Can you provide examples of subjects that can be used with both singular and plural verbs in English grammar?

Certainly! In English grammar, there are certain subjects called "collective nouns" that can be used with both singular and plural verbs, depending on the context of the sentence. I'll provide a few examples:

1. Group:
- Singular Verb: The group is performing on stage tonight.
- Plural Verb: The group are discussing their next song choice.

2. Team:
- Singular Verb: The team has won the championship.
- Plural Verb: The team are arguing about their strategies.

3. Family:
- Singular Verb: My family enjoys going on vacations together.
- Plural Verb: My family have different opinions on this matter.

4. Committee:
- Singular Verb: The committee has reached a decision.
- Plural Verb: The committee are divided on this issue.

Remember, the choice between using singular or plural verbs with these subjects depends on whether the emphasis is on the collective unit as a whole (singular verb) or on the individuals within the collective (plural verb).