What number is 73% of 215? (1 point)

215 = 0.73n
n = 0.73 × 215
0.73 = n × 215
215 = 73n
2. What percent of 94 is 23? (1 point)
n/94 = 23/100
23/94 = n/100
94/n = 23/100
23/94 = 100/n
3. 80 is 40% of what number? (1 point)
4. Find the commission on a $1,250 sale with a commission rate of 5%. (1 point)
5. Jessica bought a computer for $325 and had to pay 6% sales tax. What was the total cost of Jessica’s computer? (1 point)

1; B

2; B
3: A
4: A
5: C


Woah! Woah! Guys please calm yourself there is children who go on this website and I'm sure some of you are adults.. please be mature on this website as kids will see what you post and start speaking that way

please stop everyone its just math and we just need the answers

This website is for helping others with schoolwork not hurting others feelings and cursing

lol you guys need to chill


the answers for "Applications of percent quiz " is B B A A C

And guys, really? you dont need to fight over something so childish, you guys need to act your age and straighten up, stop name calling and cursing at one another. You need to be the bigger person and not fight back, because that makes you look as bad as them. He/She just needed help with some problems and you guys are over here fighting. You guys really need to act correctly.

thanks to you my brother is saying that

..im confused still