4. How has the political climate of Boston changed since the beginning of the book? (1 point)

Previously, Bostonians considered themselves loyal British subjects, but after Parliament passed the Tea Act, they thought of themselves as citizens of an independent nation.

Previously, Bostonians put up with British rules, but when Parliament levied more and more taxes on the colonists, the Whigs of Boston rebelled.

Previously, Bostonians were united with colonists living in other colonies, but after the Boston Tea Party, colonists everywhere saw Bostonians as troublemakers.

Previously, Bostonians wanted a representative in Parliament, but after the passage of the Tea Act, they decided they did not want anything to do with Parliament.

To answer this question, you should refer to the information provided in the book. Look for specific events or changes that occurred in the political climate of Boston throughout the story.

Start by reviewing the beginning of the book and identify the initial political attitudes and beliefs of the Bostonians. Note any references to their loyalty to British rule and their perspective as British subjects.

Then, look for key events or actions that happened in Boston that could have influenced the political climate. For example, check if there were any protests, rebellions, or significant changes in the relationship between Bostonians and the British authorities.

Pay attention to the impact of the Tea Act and its aftermath. This event is an important turning point in the story, which may have caused a shift in Bostonians' perspectives. Note any changes in their perception of themselves as British subjects and their growing sense of being citizens of an independent nation.

Consider the consequences of the Boston Tea Party, specifically how it affected both Bostonians and colonists in other colonies. Check if there are any mentions of how other colonists viewed Bostonians after this event and if it contributed to a change in their perception of Bostonians as troublemakers.

Lastly, determine if there is any evidence supporting the claim that Bostonians initially wanted a representative in Parliament but later decided to distance themselves from it after the passage of the Tea Act.

By examining these elements and gathering evidence from the book, you should be able to explain how the political climate of Boston has changed since the beginning of the story.