My thousandths digit is twice the tenths digit. My tenths digit is one less than the hundredths digit. If my hundredths digit is 5, what's my number? January 5, 2016 by Sandra

a*1000 + b*100 + c*10 + d

a = 2c
c = b-1
b = 5 then c = 4 and a = 8
You said nothing about the ones digit.

To find the number, we need to follow the given clues about the relationship between the digits.

Let's assign variables to each digit:
- Thousandths digit: T
- Hundredths digit: H (given as 5)
- Tenths digit: N
- Ones digit: O

Based on the given clues:
1) The thousandths digit is twice the tenths digit: T = 2N
2) The tenths digit is one less than the hundredths digit: N = H - 1

Since the hundredths digit is given as 5, we can substitute H with 5 in equation (2):
N = 5 - 1
N = 4

Using this value, we can then substitute N in equation (1) to find T:
T = 2(4)
T = 8

Finally, we can combine all the digits to form the number:
Number = T * 1000 + H * 100 + N * 10 + O
Number = 8 * 1000 + 5 * 100 + 4 * 10 + O

Without information about the ones digit O, we cannot determine the exact number.