A store is having a 10%-off sale. It gives an additional 10% off if the price is still over $100 after the first discount. A jacket costs $199.99. Will you get the second discount and if so, how many dollars will you save in total?

a. yes; $12.49
b. yes; $38.00
c. no
d. yes; $40.00

200 * 0.9 = 180

180 * 0.9 = ?

162 but does that mean no?

Its B. The original answer for that is $34.99.

To determine if you will get the second discount and calculate the total savings, we'll follow these steps:

1. Begin with the original price of the jacket: $199.99

2. Apply the first discount of 10% by multiplying the original price by 0.10:
$199.99 * 0.10 = $19.99

3. Calculate the discounted price after the first discount by subtracting the discount from the original price:
$199.99 - $19.99 = $180

4. Check if the discounted price after the first discount is still over $100. In this case, $180 is over $100.

5. Apply the second discount of 10% only if the discounted price after the first discount is over $100. Multiply the discounted price by 0.10:
$180 * 0.10 = $18

6. Calculate the total savings by adding the savings from both discounts:
$19.99 + $18 = $37.99

Based on these calculations, the correct answer is (b) yes; $38.00.