Veena writes an essay about Native Americans in the 1800's

Native Americans and U.S settlers struggled for land during the early 1800's. U.S. citizens slowly pushed Native Americans off their traditional lands. They fought wars, such as Seminole War, for control for Louisiana. Native Americans lost these struggles and were pushed farther and farther west.

Which statement best corrects a mistake in Venna's essay?
A.Native Americans usually gave up their lands voluntarily
B. The Seminole War was fought over control over Florida
C. Most Native Americans moved south, rather than west
D. U.S. citizens had little interest in Native American lands.

Is the answer B?

Yes, B.

thanks again

Yes, the correct answer is B. The statement "The Seminole War was fought over control over Louisiana" is incorrect. The Seminole War was actually fought over control of Florida, not Louisiana.