sheldon has 50 dimes in his piggy bank. there are 30 more nickels than dimes. there are 200 more pennies then nickels. how many coins are in sheldon's piggy bank?

50 + 50 + 30 + 50 + 30 + 200 = ?

Let's break it down step by step:

Step 1: Sheldon has 50 dimes in his piggy bank.

Step 2: There are 30 more nickels than dimes. Therefore, the number of nickels is 50 + 30 = <<50+30=80>>80.

Step 3: There are 200 more pennies than nickels. This means the number of pennies is 80 + 200 = <<80+200=280>>280.

Step 4: To find the total number of coins, we add the number of dimes, nickels, and pennies: 50 + 80 + 280 = <<50+80+280=410>>410.

Therefore, there are 410 coins in Sheldon's piggy bank.

To find the number of coins in Sheldon's piggy bank, let's break down the information given step by step:

1. Sheldon has 50 dimes in his piggy bank.
2. There are 30 more nickels than dimes.

To find the number of nickels, add 30 to the number of dimes: 50 + 30 = 80 nickels.

3. There are 200 more pennies than nickels.

To find the number of pennies, add 200 to the number of nickels: 80 + 200 = 280 pennies.

So, Sheldon has 50 dimes, 80 nickels, and 280 pennies in his piggy bank.

To find the total number of coins, add up the number of dimes, nickels, and pennies:

50 dimes + 80 nickels + 280 pennies = 410 coins

Therefore, Sheldon has a total of 410 coins in his piggy bank.