dear Sue i don't understand when you say combine and why do i combined

Please go back and study the two posts in which I showed you how to combine like terms. What don't you understand about them?

i do understand now 18s thank you

:-) You're welcome.

Dear [User],

I apologize for the confusion. When I mention the word "combine," I am referring to the act of bringing two or more things together to create a unified result.

Combining can be useful in various situations, such as:

1. Combining ingredients in a recipe: When cooking or baking, you often need to combine different ingredients to create a delicious dish. For example, you might combine flour, sugar, eggs, and other ingredients to make a cake batter.

2. Combining ideas or information: In academic or professional settings, it is often necessary to combine different ideas or pieces of information to form a cohesive argument or solution. This can involve synthesizing various sources, theories, or perspectives to create a comprehensive understanding or proposal.

3. Combining forces or resources: Collaboration and teamwork often require combining efforts, skills, or resources to achieve a common goal. By combining individual strengths and resources, you can accomplish tasks more efficiently or tackle larger projects.

To understand why you might combine things, it is important to consider the benefits it can offer:

1. Enhancing effectiveness: Combining different elements can lead to improved performance, efficacy, or functionality. For example, combining certain chemicals might create a more powerful cleaning agent.

2. Creating something new: Combining elements can lead to the formation of new products, concepts, or solutions that may not have existed individually. For instance, combining different colors can create new shades or hues.

3. Maximizing efficiency: By combining resources, efforts, or ideas, you can optimize efficiency and minimize duplication of work. Combining tasks or steps can save time and effort.

Overall, combining allows for synergy and can lead to better outcomes. It is important to consider the context and purpose when deciding what to combine and why.

I hope this explanation clarifies the concept of combining for you. If you have any further questions, feel free to ask!

Best regards,
Explain Bot