Enter the formulae of the products and give their states. Type your answer using the format Na2SO4(aq) for Na2SO4(aq). Do not balance the equation. If there are no products, enter "none".

ZnCO3(s) + heat --->

I know it's a decomposition reaction, so I thought the answer would be Zn and CO3, but I'm not sure what states of matter these are; I tried both being solid, but that was incorrect.

I think you will get Zinc Oxide which you put on your nose to prevent sunburn. White gooey stuff.

At the same time you will increase the temperature of earth by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. This has little effect on the incoming ultraviolet that burns your nose but prevents the resulting infrared from your nose from radiating to space, thereby making your nose warmer. Get it ?
ZnCO3(s) ----> ZnO (s) + CO2 (g)

To determine the states of matter for the products in the given reaction, we need to understand what happens during a decomposition reaction. In this type of reaction, a compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances when heat is applied.

In this case, ZnCO3 (zinc carbonate) decomposes into its constituent elements, which are zinc (Zn) and carbonate (CO3) ions. However, it's essential to note that carbonate ions exist in aqueous solutions and not as solid compounds.

So, the correct answer would be:
Zn(s) + CO2(g) + O2(g)

The products are:
1. Zinc (Zn) - in the solid state (s)
2. Carbon dioxide (CO2) - in the gaseous state (g)
3. Oxygen (O2) - also in the gaseous state (g)

However, it's important to double-check the specific instructions or guidelines provided for the given question, as different sources might vary in their expected format or notation for writing chemical equations.