If a train offers 12 intersection of town with every intersection is .75 miles apart in the train travels 2 miles per hour in Spanish 45 seconds at every stop to unload customers how long will it take to get the first intersection to the last

What does "in Spanish" have to do with this question?

I think that is supposed to read and spends

it takes .75mi * 1hr/2mi = .375hr = 22.5 min to travel between stops.

So, assuming we start counting as the train arrives at the 1st intersection, it takes (in minutes)

12*.75 + 11*22.5 = 256.5 minutes

before it leaves the final station.

Man, that's some slow train, at 2 mi/hr! Walking is faster.

To determine the time it will take for the train to travel from the first intersection to the last, we need to calculate the total time spent traveling between intersections and the total time spent at stops.

Let's start by calculating the time spent traveling between intersections:
- The train travels 2 miles per hour.
- The distance between each intersection is 0.75 miles.

To find the time taken to travel between intersections, we can divide the distance between each intersection by the train's speed:
Time taken to travel between intersections = Distance / Speed

Time taken to travel between intersections = 0.75 miles / 2 mph = 0.375 hours

Since the train travels 2 miles per hour, it will cover each intersection in 0.375 hours.

Now, let's calculate the time spent at every stop:
- The train takes 45 seconds at every stop to unload customers.

Since there are a total of 12 intersections, we will have 11 stops (excluding the first intersection where the train begins).

Time spent at stops = Number of stops * Time per stop
Time spent at stops = 11 stops * 45 seconds = 495 seconds

To convert the time spent at stops to hours, we divide it by 3600 seconds (60 seconds * 60 minutes):
Time spent at stops = 495 seconds / 3600 seconds per hour = 0.1375 hours

Now, we can calculate the total time it will take for the train to travel from the first intersection to the last by adding the time spent traveling between intersections and the time spent at stops:
Total time = Time taken to travel between intersections + Time spent at stops
Total time = 0.375 hours + 0.1375 hours = 0.5125 hours

Therefore, it will take approximately 0.5125 hours (or 30.75 minutes) to travel from the first intersection to the last.