a side view of a car tire before it is mounted on a wheel. Model it as having two sidewalls of uniform thickness 0.695 cm and a tread wall of uniform thickness 2.50 cm and width 23.2 cm. Assume the rubber has a uniform density 1.10 103 kg/m3. Find its moment of inertia about an axis perpendicular to the page through its center.


first do the sidewalls

that is a uniform disk of radius Rout minus a uniform disk of radius Rin
(You did not give me the outside radius of tire and inside radius of tire)

Then you have the easy part, the thread which is simply m Rout^2
of course to do m you need to do the density * width * 2 pi Radius * thickness

To find the moment of inertia of the car tire, you need to calculate the contributions from the sidewalls and the tread wall separately and then add them together. The moment of inertia is calculated by integrating the volume element multiplied by the square of the distance from the axis of rotation.

1. Sidewalls:
The sidewalls are cylindrical in shape. The thickness of each sidewall is 0.695 cm and the width is 23.2 cm. Let's assume the height of each sidewall is H. The total height of both sidewalls combined would be 2H.

The volume of each sidewall is given by V_sidewall = (Pi) * (r^2) * H, where r is the radius of the tire.
The radius of the tire is the distance from the axis of rotation (center) to the sidewall's surface. It can be calculated as half the width of the tire, since the sidewalls are uniform in thickness.

So, the radius of the tire is r = 23.2 cm / 2 = 11.6 cm = 0.116 m.

Therefore, the volume of each sidewall is V_sidewall = (Pi) * (0.116^2) * H = 0.0421616 * H cubic meters.

The mass of each sidewall can be calculated using the density of the rubber material.
Mass_sidewall = density * volume = (1.10 * 10^3 kg/m^3) * (0.0421616 * H) = 46.37876 * H kg.

The moment of inertia contribution from each sidewall is given by I_sidewall = (1/2) * mass_sidewall * (r^2).
Substituting the values, we get I_sidewall = (1/2) * (46.37876 * H) * (0.116^2) = 0.003785864 * H kg m^2.

2. Tread wall:
The tread wall is also cylindrical in shape. The thickness of the tread wall is 2.50 cm. Let's assume the height of the tread wall is h.

The volume of the tread wall is given by V_tread = (Pi) * (r^2) * h, where r is the same radius as before.

Therefore, the volume of the tread wall is V_tread = (Pi) * (0.116^2) * h = 0.0421616 * h cubic meters.

The mass of the tread wall can be calculated using the density of the rubber material.
Mass_tread = density * volume = (1.10 * 10^3 kg/m^3) * (0.0421616 * h) = 46.37876 * h kg.

The moment of inertia contribution from the tread wall is given by I_tread = (1/2) * mass_tread * (r^2).
Substituting the values, we get I_tread = (1/2) * (46.37876 * h) * (0.116^2) = 0.003785864 * h kg m^2.

3. Total moment of inertia:
To find the total moment of inertia, add the contributions from the sidewalls and the tread wall.
I_total = 2 * I_sidewall + I_tread = 2 * 0.003785864 * H + 0.003785864 * h = 0.007571728 * H + 0.003785864 * h kg m^2.

Therefore, the moment of inertia of the car tire about an axis perpendicular to the page through its center is 0.007571728 * H + 0.003785864 * h kg m^2.

To find the moment of inertia of the car tire, we can use the parallel axis theorem, which states that the moment of inertia of an object about an axis parallel to its center of mass is equal to the sum of the moment of inertia about its center of mass and the product of its mass and the square of the distance between the two axes.

First, let's find the moment of inertia of each component separately.

1. Sidewalls:
The sidewalls can be approximated as two cylinders, one on each side. The moment of inertia of a cylinder about an axis perpendicular to its length is given by the formula: I = (1/2) * m * r^2, where m is the mass and r is the radius.

Since the thickness of each sidewall is given as 0.695 cm, the radius would be half of that, i.e., 0.695/2 = 0.3475 cm = 0.003475 m.

To find the mass of each sidewall, we need to calculate its volume and then multiply it by the density. The volume of each sidewall can be calculated as follows: volume = thickness * width * height, where thickness is 0.695 cm, width is given as 23.2 cm, and height is not explicitly mentioned in the question.

Let's assume the height of the sidewall is h. Then, the volume of each sidewall would be: volume = 0.695 cm * 23.2 cm * h = 16.124 cm^3 * h = 0.016124 m^3 * h.

Now, multiply the volume by the density to get the mass: mass = volume * density = 0.016124 m^3 * h * 1.10 x 10^3 kg/m^3.

The moment of inertia of a single sidewall would be: I_sidewall = (1/2) * mass_sidewall * radius^2 = (1/2) * (0.016124 m^3 * h * 1.10 x 10^3 kg/m^3) * (0.003475 m)^2.

2. Tread wall:
The tread wall can be approximated as a cylindrical ring with an outer radius and an inner radius. The moment of inertia of a cylindrical ring about an axis perpendicular to its length is given by the formula: I = (1/2) * m * (r_outer^2 + r_inner^2), where m is the mass, r_outer is the outer radius, and r_inner is the inner radius.

The thickness of the tread wall is given as 2.50 cm, so the outer radius would be half of the width plus the thickness, i.e., (23.2 cm + 2.50 cm)/2 = 25.95 cm = 0.2595 m.

The inner radius would be half of the width, i.e., 23.2 cm/2 = 11.6 cm = 0.116 m.

Similar to the sidewalls, let's calculate the volume of the tread wall: volume = thickness * width * height = 2.50 cm * 23.2 cm * h = 58.0 cm^3 * h = 0.0580 m^3 * h.

Multiply the volume by the density to get the mass: mass = volume * density = 0.0580 m^3 * h * 1.10 x 10^3 kg/m^3.

The moment of inertia of the tread wall would be: I_tread_wall = (1/2) * mass_tread_wall * (r_outer^2 + r_inner^2) = (1/2) * (0.0580 m^3 * h * 1.10 x 10^3 kg/m^3) * ((0.2595 m)^2 + (0.116 m)^2).

Now, let's calculate the moment of inertia for the whole tire by using the parallel axis theorem:

I_total = I_sidewall + I_sidewall + I_tread_wall

Finally, we can substitute the values for the radii, masses, and thicknesses, as well as assume a value for the height (h), to calculate the moment of inertia of the car tire about an axis perpendicular to the page through its center.