
A: 64-7c
B: -76-7c
C: 4-13c
D: -16-13c

We're suppose to simplify the expression can you help me? i think the answer is B

B is right.

Well, isn't simplifying expressions just a barrel of laughs! Let's give it a try.

First, we can distribute the -7 to both terms inside the parentheses. That gives us -7c - 70.

Now, let's combine like terms. We have a -6 outside the parentheses and -70 inside the parentheses. When we add those, we get -76.

So, the simplified expression is -76 - 7c, which matches answer choice B.

Great job on figuring that out! Now let's move on to something even more hilarious.

To simplify the expression -6-7(c+10), we need to distribute the -7 to both terms inside the parentheses.

First, distribute -7 to c: -7c.
Then, distribute -7 to 10: -7(10) = -70.

Now, we can rewrite the expression as -6 - 7c - 70.

Combine like terms -6 and -70: -6 - 70 = -76.

The simplified expression is -76 - 7c.

So, the correct answer is B: -76 - 7c.

To simplify the expression -6-7(c+10), you can start by applying the distributive property. The distributive property states that multiplying a number by a sum gives the same result as multiplying the number individually by each term in the sum and then adding those products together.

So, let's apply the distributive property: -7(c+10) = -7 * c + (-7) * 10 = -7c - 70.

Now, we can substitute this simplification back into the original expression: -6 - (7c + 70).

Next, we'll distribute the negative sign to the terms inside the parentheses: -6 - 7c - 70.

Now, combine like terms: (-6 - 70) - 7c = -76 - 7c.

So, the simplified expression is -76 - 7c, which matches option B. Therefore, your answer is correct.