Write the fraction as a percent. Round to the nearest hundredth of a percent where


a) 33.33%
b) 66.67%
c) 83.33% <-------------
b) 1.20%

2. Write the decimal 0.063 as a percent.

a) 0.63%
b) 6.3% <--------------
c) 63%

3. A survey at your school found that 792 in 1,220 students have a cell phone. What percent of
the students in school has a cell phone? Round to the nearest hundredth where necessary.

a) 6.49%
b) 54.04%
c) 64.92% <---------
d) 79.20%

4. Write the percent 96.55% as a decimal.

a) 9655
b) 965.5
c) 0.9655 <----------
d) 9.655

5. Carrie and nine of her friends go out to dinner. The total bill comes to $191.10. They decide to
leave a 15% tip. Each person will contribute an equal amount to the total tip. Estimate what
each person should contribute.

a) $19.00
b) $28.50
c) $1.90
d) $2.85 <-----------

6. Use a proportion to solve the problem.
34% of 83

a) x/100 = 34/83; 40.96
b) x/100 = 34/83; 2.822
c) x/83 = 34/100; 28.22 <--------
d) x/83 = 34/100; 56.44

7. 77 is what percent of 192?

a) x/100 = 77/192; 4.01% <----------
b) x/100 = 77/192; 40.01%
c) x/77 = 100/192; 77.3%
d) x/100 = 192/77; 249.4%

8. While eating in the cafeteria at school, 65%, or 26, of the students in the class ate pizza. Find
the number of students in the entire class.

a) x/26 = 65/100; 250 students
b) x/26 = 65/100; 26 students
c) 26/x = 65/100; 40 students <-------
d) x/26 = 65/100; 17 students

9. During the soccer season, Richard attempted 80 goals and made about 65% of them.How many goals did Richard make?
The team made a total of 327 goals. What percent of the team’s made goals did Richard

a) 15 goals; 24.5%
b) 52 goals; 15.9% <----------
c) 61 goals; 49.2%
d) 212 goals; 64%

10. 0. What percent of 21 is 7?

a) 21 = x • 7; 30%
b) 21 = x • 7; 3%
c) 7 = x • 21; 300%
d) 7 = x • 21; 33.33% <------------

11. The sales tax rate is 6.9%.
Find the tax paid for a pair of boots with a list price of $128.
What is the total cost of the pair of boots?

a) $8.83; $128.88
b) $8.83; $136.83 <--------------
c) $0.88; $136.83
d) $0.88; $128.88

12. Jamie is a salesperson in a shoe store and earns $95 per week, plus 20% of her weekly sales. If
Jamie makes $475 in one week, what are her sales for that week?

a) $1,425
b) $1,900 <-----------
c) $2,375
d) $2,850

13. In 2000, the population at Arlington Middle School was approximately 421 students. In 2010,
the population was approximately 584 students. Find the percent of change in the population at
Arlington Middle School from 2000 to 2010 and identify it as an increase or decrease.

a) 27.9%; increase <-----------
b) 27.9%; decrease
c) 38.7%; increase
d) 38.7%; decrease

14. The owner of an electronics store received a shipment of MP3 players at a cost of $64.25 each.
If he sells the MP3 players for $99.99 each, what is the percent of markup? Round to the
nearest whole percent.

a) 6%
b) 36% <-----------
c) 56%
d) 62%

15. In Store A, a video game that regularly sells for $59.99 is on sale at 10% off. In Store B, the
same video game regularly sells for $64.99 and is on sale at 15% off. Which store sells the
video game for the lower sale price?

a) Store A; Store A’s sale price is $53.99, and Store B’s sale price is $55.24.

b) Store A; Store A’s sale price is $50.99, and Store B’s sale price is $55.24.

c) Store B; Store A’s sale price is $55.24, and Store B’s sale price is $50.99.

d) Store B; Store A’s sale price is $55.24, and Store B’s sale price is $53.99. <--------------------------------

16. Find the final balance in an account with $660 invested at 3.5% annual simple interest for five

a) $23.10
b) $115.50
c) $683.10 <-------------------
d) $775.5

7. 77 is what percent of 192?

a) x/100 = 77/192; 4.01% <----------
b) x/100 = 77/192; 40.01%
c) x/77 = 100/192; 77.3%
d) x/100 = 192/77; 249.4%
77(100)/192 = 40.01

16. Find the final balance in an account with $660 invested at 3.5% annual simple interest for five


a) $23.10
b) $115.50
c) $683.10 <-------------------
d) $775.5
660 * .035 = 23.10 per year
*5 = 115.5
+ 660 = 775.50

are you right and is this for connectus

thanks for some answers

some right answers

1. c) 83.33%

2. b) 6.3%
3. c) 64.92%
4. c) 0.9655
5. d) $2.85
6. c) x/83 = 34/100; 28.22
7. a) x/100 = 77/192; 4.01%
8. c) 26/x = 65/100; 40 students
9. b) 52 goals; 15.9%
10. d) 7 = x • 21; 33.33%
11. b) $8.83; $136.83
12. b) $1,900
13. a) 27.9%; increase
14. b) 36%
15. d) Store B; Store A’s sale price is $55.24, and Store B’s sale price is $53.99.
16. c) $683.10

a) To write the fraction as a percent, you simply multiply the fraction by 100%.

The fraction 83.33% is already a percent, so it doesn't need to be converted.

b) To write the decimal 0.063 as a percent, multiply it by 100%.

0.063 * 100% = 6.3%

c) To find the percent of students who have a cell phone, divide the number of students with a cell phone (792) by the total number of students (1220).

Percent = (792/1220) * 100% = 64.92%

d) To write the percent 96.55% as a decimal, divide it by 100%.

96.55% / 100% = 0.9655

a) To estimate each person's contribution to the total tip, multiply the total bill by the tip percentage and divide by the number of people.

Contribution per person = ($191.10 * 15%) / 10 = $2.85

b) To solve using a proportion, set up a proportion with the part and the whole.

x/100 = 34/83

Cross multiply and solve for x.

83x = 3400
x = 3400/83
x ≈ 40.96

a) To find what percent 77 is of 192, set up a proportion.

x/100 = 77/192

Cross multiply and solve for x.

192x = 7700
x = 7700/192
x ≈ 40.01%

c) To find the number of students in the entire class, set up a proportion.

26/x = 65/100

Cross multiply and solve for x.

65x = 2600
x = 2600/65
x = 40 students

b) To find how many goals Richard made, multiply the total number of goals (327) by the percentage he made (65%).

Goals made by Richard = 327 * 65% ≈ 212

To find the percent of the team's goals that Richard made, divide the goals he made (212) by the total team goals (327) and multiply by 100%.

Percent of team's made goals = (212/327) * 100% ≈ 64%

d) To find what percent of 21 is 7, set up a proportion.

7/x = 21/100

Cross multiply and solve for x.

21x = 700
x = 700/21
x ≈ 33.33%

a) To find the tax paid, multiply the list price ($128) by the tax rate (6.9%).

Tax paid = $128 * 6.9% ≈ $8.83

To find the total cost, add the list price and the tax paid.

Total cost = $128 + $8.83 ≈ $136.83

b) To find Jamie's sales for the week, subtract her base salary ($95) from her total earnings ($475).

Sales = $475 - $95 = $380

a) To find the percent of change, subtract the initial population from the final population, divide by the initial population, and multiply by 100%.

Percent of change = ((584 - 421) / 421) * 100% ≈ 38.7%

Since the final population is greater than the initial population, it is an increase.

b) To find the percent of markup, subtract the cost price from the selling price, divide by the cost price, and multiply by 100%.

Percent of markup = (($99.99 - $64.25) / $64.25) * 100% ≈ 36%

d) To find the lower sale price, subtract the discount from the regular price for both stores and compare the sale prices.

Store A's sale price = $59.99 * (1 - 10%) = $53.99
Store B's sale price = $64.99 * (1 - 15%) = $55.24

Since Store A's sale price ($53.99) is lower than Store B's sale price ($55.24), Store A sells the video game for the lower sale price.

c) To find the final balance with simple interest, multiply the principal ($660) by the interest rate (3.5%) and multiply by the time period (5 years). Then, add the result to the principal.

Final balance = $660 + ($660 * 3.5% * 5) ≈ $683.10