The public school system in Georgia was the result of laws passed during

None of the above.

To find out when the public school system in Georgia was established and which laws were passed to bring it into existence, you could follow these steps:

1. Start by conducting a search with a search engine such as Google. Type in keywords like "establishment of public schools in Georgia" or "laws creating Georgia public school system."

2. Look for reliable sources such as government websites, educational institutions, or historical documents. Pay close attention to sources that provide accurate and reliable information.

3. Explore different sources and compile the information gathered to get a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

4. You may come across information about significant laws passed in Georgia related to public education. Some key legislation related to the establishment of public schools in Georgia includes:

a. The Georgia Public Education Act of 1870: This law created a free public education system for all children in Georgia, making education compulsory and funding schools through taxes.

b. The Georgia Education Reform Act of 1985: This legislation aimed to improve education standards and provided for the establishment of the Quality Basic Education (QBE) funding formula, which ensured fair distribution of state funds to school districts.

c. The A Plus Education Reform Act of 2000: This law introduced various measures to improve school accountability, teacher training, and student performance.

5. Read the specific laws and their associated documents or summaries to gain a deeper understanding of their provisions and impacts.

By following these steps, you should be able to find detailed information about the laws passed in Georgia that led to the establishment of the public school system.