1) Fundamental Constitution of Carolina (what was this and what did it include?)

2) Mayflower Compact (what was this & what type of government did it establish & why was it written?)

3) Slave codes (and why South Carolina had them)

Can someone plz help me with these?




There is another revolutionary idea, too. Read your text materials.

Thank you very much @reed

1) The Fundamental Constitution of Carolina was a document created in 1669 that served as the legal framework for the colony of Carolina. It was primarily drafted by the English philosopher John Locke. The constitution was intended to establish a system of government, create laws, and define the rights and responsibilities of the settlers. It aimed to promote a feudal-like system with a hereditary nobility, a hierarchical society, and a division of land into large estates. The document also included provisions for religious freedom, protection of property rights, and limitations on government power. However, many of its provisions were not enforced, and the constitution was eventually abandoned in 1693.

To find more detailed information about the Fundamental Constitution of Carolina, you can start by conducting an internet search using relevant keywords such as "Fundamental Constitution of Carolina," "John Locke," and "Carolina colony." Websites that provide historical documents, academic papers, or credible sources on colonial history would be useful in understanding the context, content, and impact of the constitution.

2) The Mayflower Compact was a document signed by the Pilgrims aboard the Mayflower ship in 1620 before they landed at Plymouth, Massachusetts. It served as an agreement between the English settlers to establish a self-governing colony in order to maintain order and ensure their survival in the new territory. The compact was a social contract in which the settlers voluntarily formed a government for the general good of the community. It established a rudimentary form of representative democracy, where decisions were made by majority rule.

To understand the Mayflower Compact in more depth, you can begin by researching it online using reputable sources such as historical websites, academic databases, or encyclopedias. By exploring these sources, you can find information on the historical context surrounding the writing of the compact, the reasons it was created, and its influence on future governance in the United States.

3) Slave codes were laws enacted in the American colonies and later in the United States to regulate the institution of slavery and control the lives of enslaved people. These codes varied across different states, but they typically established a legal framework to govern the behavior, rights, and treatment of enslaved individuals.

South Carolina, like other southern states, had slave codes primarily due to its reliance on agricultural practices that heavily depended on slave labor. The codes were designed to protect the interests of slaveholders, prevent enslaved people from escaping or rebelling, and suppress any potential unrest that could threaten the profitability of the plantation economy. The slave codes in South Carolina, and throughout the South, were notorious for their harsh and oppressive nature, placing severe restrictions on enslaved people's movements, rights, education, and even their ability to gather or practice their own religious beliefs.

To further explore slave codes and their significance, you can use both online and offline resources. Books, academic articles, and reputable websites specifically focused on colonial history, slavery, or legal history can provide valuable insights into the purpose, content, enforcement, and effects of slave codes in South Carolina and other regions.

I'll be glad to help you.

First, I urge you to reread your text materials. Take notes on each of these documents.

If necessary, then you can Google each of them.

What did you find?