Describe the characteristics of living things and provide examples to illustrate your description.

I have all my characteristics but I need one example.

Here is my characteristic:
Living things grow

Plant some seeds in the dirt. What happens to them?

They grow and consume/produce what is needed for/from them

I got it now thank you :)

You are welcome. :-)

Living things grow by increasing in size or developing new structures. It is a fundamental characteristic of living organisms and is essential for their survival and reproduction. Growth can occur in various ways, such as an increase in the number of cells, an increase in the size of individual cells, or the development of new organs or body structures.

One example that illustrates growth in living organisms is the growth of plants. Plants start as seeds and gradually grow into mature plants through a process called germination. During germination, the seed absorbs water and nutrients from the soil, which triggers the growth of roots, stems, and leaves. As the plant grows, it forms new cells, elongates its stems, and expands its foliage, allowing it to carry out essential functions like photosynthesis and reproduction.

By witnessing the growth of plants, you can observe firsthand how living things can increase in size and develop new structures, showcasing the characteristic of growth.