tom takes 3days to do a piece of work while jerry takes only one day for the same. together, they both can finish the job in 15 days. in how many days tom will finish the work?

This three times repeated question is worded incorrectly. Obviously either could do the job many times in 15 days



To find out how many days Tom will take to finish the work alone, let's first calculate the combined work rate of Tom and Jerry when they work together.

We know that the combined work rate is given by the formula:
Combined Work Rate = 1 / (Time taken to complete the work together)

In this case, Tom takes 3 days to do the work, and Jerry takes 1 day to do the work. So, we can calculate the combined work rate as:

Combined Work Rate = 1 / (3 + 1) = 1/4

Now, since we know that together they can finish the work in 15 days, we can determine the work rate of Tom alone using the formula:

Tom's Work Rate = Combined Work Rate - Jerry's Work Rate

Tom's Work Rate = 1/4 - 1/1 = 1/4 - 4/4 = -3/4

We have a negative work rate for Tom, which means he cannot complete the work alone. In this case, Tom does not possess the required skills or ability to complete the work independently. Therefore, we cannot determine how many days it would take for Tom to finish the work alone.