a man walks2.6miles east then and walks 6.7 miles north. where is he in relation to his starting point vector diagram?

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To determine the man's position in relation to his starting point, we can construct a vector diagram.

Step 1: Draw a coordinate system with the x-axis representing east-west direction and the y-axis representing north-south direction.

Step 2: Start at the origin (0,0) of the coordinate system, which represents the man's starting point.

Step 3: Draw a vector to the right (east) with a length of 2.6 miles on the x-axis from the origin.

Step 4: From the end of the first vector, draw another vector upwards (north) on the y-axis with a length of 6.7 miles.

Step 5: The position vector's endpoint represents the man's final position in relation to his starting point. You can measure the coordinates of the endpoint to determine his position.

For example, if the endpoint of the position vector is (2.6, 6.7), it means that the man is 2.6 miles east and 6.7 miles north from his starting point.