2 – The ratio of Maya’s beads to Kayla’s beads was 12:7. After Maya bought another 28 beads and Kayla gave away 32 beads, 5/7 of Kayla’s beads were left.

a) How many more beads did Maya have than Kayla in the beginning?

b) Find the new ratio of Maya’s beads to Kayla’s beads.

m/k = 12/7

k-32 = 5/7 k
4/7 k = 32
k = 56
m/56 = 12/7
m = 96

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To solve this problem, we'll need to use algebraic methods. Let's break it down step by step.

a) To find out how many more beads Maya had than Kayla in the beginning, we need to determine the initial number of beads for each of them.

Let's assume that Maya had 12x beads and Kayla had 7x beads, where x is a constant.

Given the ratio of Maya's beads to Kayla's beads was 12:7, we can set up the equation:

12x / 7x = 12 / 7

Cross-multiplying gives us:

84x = 12 * 7


84x = 84

Dividing both sides by 84:

x = 1

So in the beginning, Maya had 12 beads and Kayla had 7 beads.

To find out how many more beads Maya had than Kayla, we can subtract the number of beads for Kayla from Maya:

12 beads - 7 beads = 5 beads

Therefore, Maya had 5 more beads than Kayla in the beginning.

b) Now, let's find the new ratio of Maya's beads to Kayla's beads after Maya bought 28 beads and Kayla gave away 32 beads.

Maya's new number of beads would be 12 + 28 = 40 beads.
Kayla's new number of beads would be 7 - 32 = -25 beads.

It is given that 5/7 of Kayla's beads were left, which means she had 5/7 of her initial beads remaining after giving away 32 beads.

So, we can set up the equation:

(5/7) * 7x = -25

Cross-multiplying gives us:

5x = -25

Dividing both sides by 5:

x = -5

Since the number of beads cannot be negative, we conclude that there was an error in our calculations. Please check your question and reassess the provided information.