Tyler said there/their/they’re are four kittens sleeping in a box under the porch.



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The correct word to use in this sentence is "their." Tyler said "their" are four kittens sleeping in a box under the porch.

To determine the correct word to use in the sentence, you need to understand the differences between "there," "their," and "they're."

1. "There" is used to describe a place or location. It indicates the existence or presence of something. Example: "The book is over there."

2. "Their" is a possessive pronoun that shows ownership. It is used when something belongs to a group of people. Example: "The students forgot their books."

3. "They're" is a contraction of "they are." It is used to describe a group of people or things. Example: "They're going to the party tonight."

In the given sentence, "Tyler said there/their/they're are four kittens sleeping in a box under the porch," the correct word to use is "their." This is because the sentence is talking about something that belongs to Tyler, indicating the possession of the kittens by Tyler and others. So the sentence should be: "Tyler said their are four kittens sleeping in a box under the porch."