Directional and nondirectional hypotheses can be easily interchanged according to the hypothesis the researcher is testing. For instance, a drug company might predict that a drug will help a subject lose weight while another drug company might predict that a drug will alter a subject's weight.

Describe a situation in which you would test a directional hypothesis. Be sure to state the independent variables (e.g., drug or placebo) and the dependent variables (e.g., weight loss) clearly and explain why the hypothesis is directional. Then, revise the same situation to make it nondirectional. Explain which according to you is more appropriate and why. Evaluate the practice of altering the alpha level so that a two-tailed test will have a 5% rejection region on both sides of the curve for a total of 10% instead of having a 2.5% rejection region on both sides in order to maintain a 5% alpha.


Let's say a research study aims to investigate the effect of a new drug (independent variable) on weight loss (dependent variable). The directional hypothesis for this situation would be: "The drug X will lead to a significant increase in weight loss compared to a placebo." Here, the direction of the hypothesis is specified as the drug having a positive effect on weight loss.

To test this hypothesis, the study would randomly assign participants into two groups: one receiving the drug X and the other receiving a placebo. The dependent variable, weight loss, would be measured after a designated period for both groups, and the results would be statistically analyzed to determine if the drug significantly increased weight loss.

Now, let's revise the same situation to make it nondirectional. The nondirectional hypothesis would be: "The drug X will have an effect on weight loss compared to a placebo." In this case, the hypothesis does not specify the direction of the effect, whether it will increase or decrease weight loss.


The choice between a directional or nondirectional hypothesis depends on the specific research question and the existing knowledge base. In some situations, researchers may have prior evidence or theoretical reasons to expect a specific directional effect, and thus a directional hypothesis would be more appropriate. For example, if previous studies have consistently shown that Drug X leads to weight loss, it would be reasonable to formulate a directional hypothesis expecting the same result.

On the other hand, if there is insufficient prior evidence or conflicting results, a nondirectional hypothesis could be more appropriate. This allows the research to explore the possibility of any effect, be it an increase or a decrease in weight loss, without making any specific predictions.

Alpha Level and Rejection Region:

The alpha level, often set at 0.05 (or 5%), represents the threshold for statistical significance. It determines the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true. In a two-tailed test, 2.5% is allocated to each tail of the distribution.

Now, the proposal of altering the alpha level to have a 10% rejection region (5% on both sides) in a two-tailed test is not considered good practice. The standard alpha level of 0.05 is widely accepted and incorporates a balance between minimizing Type I and Type II errors in hypothesis testing.

Reducing the alpha level to 0.10 (10%) would increase the likelihood of making Type I errors (false-positive results) as we become more lenient in accepting statistical significance. This approach allows more false-positive results, potentially leading to unjustified claims or conclusions.

In scientific research, it is crucial to maintain rigor and adhere to established standards. By sticking to the conventional alpha level of 0.05, researchers can ensure that the probability of making a Type I error remains controlled, providing more reliable and accurate results.