Identify the choice that best describes the underlined clause:

old pigeons.

a. independent clause
b. adjective clause***
c. adverb clause
d. noun clause

Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

a. Were you aware, that Daylight Savings
Time begins tomorrow?****
b. What most people do, is change their
clocks in the morning, not the night
c. How do you choose to wake up
tomorrow, is up to you.
d. I hope that you do not oversleep, or we will be late for school.

Identify the choice that best describes the sentences.

Even before telescopes were invented, humans were interested in astronomy.

a. simple
b. compound
c. complex*****
d. compound-complex

Identify the choice that best describes the sentences.

Halley's comet should return in the year 2061.

a. simple*****
b. compound
c. complex
d. compound-complex

Please help

1. yes

2. no
3. yes
4. yes

Thank you.

Number 2 should be D.

You're welcome, and yes, 2 is D.

In order to answer the first question, you need to identify the type of clause that is underlined in the sentence "Doves, WHICH ARE CONSIDERED SYMBOLS OF PEACE AND BEAUTY, are related to plain old pigeons." An independent clause can stand alone as a complete sentence, but the underlined clause cannot stand alone as a sentence and provides additional information about the noun "Doves." An adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun or pronoun, and in this case, the underlined clause (which are considered symbols of peace and beauty) provides additional information about the noun "Doves." Therefore, the correct choice is b. adjective clause.

To answer the second question about punctuation, you need to identify the sentence that is punctuated correctly. Let's examine each option:
a. "Were you aware, that Daylight Savings Time begins tomorrow?" - This sentence is not punctuated correctly because the comma after "aware" is not necessary. The correct punctuation would be: "Were you aware that Daylight Savings Time begins tomorrow?"
b. "What most people do, is change their clocks in the morning, not the night before." - This sentence is also not punctuated correctly because there should be no comma after "do" and "before." The correct punctuation would be: "What most people do is change their clocks in the morning, not the night before."
c. "How do you choose to wake up tomorrow, is up to you." - This sentence is not punctuated correctly because there should be no comma after "tomorrow." The correct punctuation would be: "How do you choose to wake up tomorrow is up to you."
d. "I hope that you do not oversleep, or we will be late for school." - This sentence is punctuated correctly and does not have any unnecessary commas. Therefore, the correct choice is d. "I hope that you do not oversleep, or we will be late for school."

To answer the third and fourth questions, you need to identify the type of sentence structure used. A simple sentence consists of one independent clause, a compound sentence consists of two or more independent clauses joined by coordinating conjunctions, a complex sentence consists of one independent clause and at least one dependent clause, and a compound-complex sentence consists of two or more independent clauses and at least one dependent clause. Let's examine each case:
"Even before telescopes were invented, humans were interested in astronomy." - This sentence contains one independent clause ("Humans were interested in astronomy") and one dependent clause ("Even before telescopes were invented"). Therefore, the correct choice is c. complex sentence.
"Halley's comet should return in the year 2061." - This sentence contains only one independent clause ("Halley's comet should return in the year 2061"). Therefore, the correct choice is a. simple sentence.