1.)How does this image reflect George Washington's views on government?

A.)He believed in the importance of state sovereignty.

B.)He had a foreign policy that favored Great Britain.

C.)He did not believe presidents ought to have a third term.

D.)He believed the federal government needed more power.


2.)"FIRST in war, first in peace and first in the hearts of his countrymen"

What does the quote by henry Lee illustrate by the phrase "first in war?"

A.)George Washington always led his troops into battle
B.)George Washington avoided military solutions whenever possible
D.)George Washington was a great

3.)Which of the following did george washington do during his presidency?

A.)Established a cabinet of advisers

B.)Limited himself to one term in office

C.)Offered military support in foreign wars

D.)Severed ties with Great Britain


4.)What precedent did george washington set by refusing to run for the presidency a third time?

A.)Dignity of the office**

B.)Executive retirement

C.)Term limits for leaders

D.)U.S. isolationism


5.)Which action respesents a break with George Washington's policie's?

A.)An amendment limiting the president to two terms in office

B.)Close diplomatic ties with Great Britain and France

C.)Moving the U.S. capital from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.

D.)Voters registering as independent rather than of any political party


2.) I 4Got C.)"George Washington favored military solutions over diplomacy.

i think 2.) is D?

1. Why was the presidency of George Washington considered to be so significant?

2. Why were Northern states in favor of Hamilton's protective tariff?
3. What did Washington mean when he wrote that the maxim "honesty is the best policy" should be applied to foreign relations?
4. Favoring the idea of national regulation of trade between states would be an example of which political party's stance listed in the chart?
5. What was one reason for the formation of the Democratic Republican party?
6. Why did Adams increase the size of the American navy?
7. Why did Congress decide the election of 1800? Select all that apply.
8. One way President Jefferson protected American commerce early in his presidency was by which of the following?
9. What caused Napoleon to decide to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States?
10. Which of the following best describes the purpose of the Non-Intercourse Act?

i need the answers i don't know any help me please

1.) How does this image reflect George Washington's views on government?

To determine the answer to this question, we need to analyze the image and understand George Washington's views on government. We can start by researching and studying historical records, such as biographies or primary sources, that provide insight into Washington's political beliefs.

Once we have a clear understanding of Washington's views on government, we can examine the image to see if it aligns with any of those views. This may require analyzing visual cues, symbolism, or accompanying text within the image.

After carefully considering the information gathered from research and analyzing the image, we can evaluate the answer choices provided:

A.) He believed in the importance of state sovereignty.
B.) He had a foreign policy that favored Great Britain.
C.) He did not believe presidents ought to have a third term.
D.) He believed the federal government needed more power.

Analyzing the options, A) "He believed in the importance of state sovereignty" seems to best reflect George Washington's views on government. Washington, as a supporter of federalism, believed in a balance of power between the federal government and the states.

Therefore, the most likely answer is A) He believed in the importance of state sovereignty.

2.) "FIRST in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen"

To interpret the meaning behind the phrase "first in war" in Henry Lee's quote about George Washington, we need to critically analyze the historical context surrounding Washington's military actions.

First, we should conduct research on George Washington's military career and his involvement in wars, such as the American Revolutionary War. By studying primary sources, biographies, or historical accounts, we can gain insight into Washington's role in these conflicts.

Once we have a comprehensive understanding of Washington's military actions, we can connect it to the phrase "first in war" in Lee's quote. By examining Washington's leadership and role in military operations, we can determine if the quote accurately reflects his actions and impact on the battlefield.

After analyzing the information gathered from research, the most likely answer from the options provided is A) George Washington always led his troops into battle. This answer aligns with Washington's active military leadership during the American Revolution.

3.) Which of the following did George Washington do during his presidency?

To determine the actions that George Washington took during his presidency, we can consult historical records and primary sources, such as his official correspondence, governmental documents, or biographies.

Using these sources, we can gather information about Washington's presidential policies and decisions. By analyzing the historical context and specific events during his presidency, we can match the actions to the answer choices.

The answer choices are:

A.) Established a cabinet of advisers
B.) Limited himself to one term in office
C.) Offered military support in foreign wars
D.) Severed ties with Great Britain

From the options provided, A) Established a cabinet of advisers is a well-known action taken by George Washington during his presidency. He appointed prominent individuals to serve as advisers in various positions, such as Secretary of State and Secretary of the Treasury.

Therefore, the correct answer is A) Established a cabinet of advisers.

4.) What precedent did George Washington set by refusing to run for the presidency a third time?

To understand the precedent set by George Washington's decision to not seek a third term in the presidency, we need to examine historical records, primary sources, and scholarly analysis.

By researching Washington's presidency and assessing the political climate during his time, we can determine the significance and impact of his decision. Examining documents such as Washington's farewell address, letters, and biographical accounts can provide valuable insight.

The answer choices provided are:

A.) Dignity of the office
B.) Executive retirement
C.) Term limits for leaders
D.) U.S. isolationism

Considering the options, C) Term limits for leaders best reflects the precedent set by Washington's refusal to run for a third term. Washington's voluntary relinquishment of power after two terms established a tradition of presidents serving a maximum of two terms, which became an unwritten rule until formally codified with the 22nd Amendment to the United States Constitution in 1951.

Thus, the correct answer is C) Term limits for leaders.

5.) Which action represents a break with George Washington's policies?

To identify an action that goes against George Washington's policies, we need to have a clear understanding of his political views and actions during his presidency. Again, we can refer to historical records, primary sources, and scholarly analysis to gain insight into Washington's policies.

The answer choices are:

A.) An amendment limiting the president to two terms in office
B.) Close diplomatic ties with Great Britain and France
C.) Moving the U.S. capital from Philadelphia to Washington, D.C.
D.) Voters registering as independent rather than of any political party

Analyzing the options, B) Close diplomatic ties with Great Britain and France seems to be the action that goes against Washington's policies. Washington, as the first president of the United States, pursued a policy of neutrality and non-intervention in foreign conflicts. He believed in maintaining friendly relations with all countries without forming strong alliances.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) Close diplomatic ties with Great Britain and France.

1 no

2 ?
3 yes
4 no
5 yes

what is it

we need ansers

i took a duce

oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa