Laura has $80 saved for a new lap top. This is 20% of the total amount she needs for the laptop. How much does the new laptop cost?


To find the total cost of the new laptop, we can use the information given. We know that Laura has saved 20% of the total amount needed, which is equal to $80.

To find the total amount needed, we can set up a proportion. Let's represent the total cost of the laptop as "x".

20% of x = $80

To convert the percentage to a decimal, we divide it by 100:
0.20x = $80

To solve for x, we can divide both sides of the equation by 0.20:
x = $80 / 0.20

Performing the division, we find:
x = $400

Therefore, the new laptop costs $400.

Ok thanks

0.2x = 80

Solve for x.