Vector CD has an initial point of (5, -6). Its x component is -12, and the y component is 4. What are the coordinates of the terminal point?

My answer is (-7, -2).


To find the coordinates of the terminal point, you can add the components of the vector to the initial point.

Given that the initial point of vector CD is (5, -6) and its x-component is -12, you can add -12 to the x-coordinate of the initial point to get the x-coordinate of the terminal point:

Initial x-coordinate: 5
x-component: -12
Terminal x-coordinate: 5 + (-12) = -7

Similarly, given that the y-component of vector CD is 4, you can add 4 to the y-coordinate of the initial point to get the y-coordinate of the terminal point:

Initial y-coordinate: -6
y-component: 4
Terminal y-coordinate: -6 + 4 = -2

Hence, the coordinates of the terminal point of vector CD are (-7, -2). Your answer is correct!